While trekking through the world you are sure to find loads of steel and iron weapons as well as more arrows than you know what to do with. If you didn’t already know this – Skyrim rewards exploring.

Merchants and vendors are best used as ways to sell off extra suits of armor and swords. It can feel tempting to simply buy good equipment at the start of the game but don’t fall into this trap. Choose your strengths and stick with them to see them grow into god-like powers to truly live out the Dragonborn fantasy. They sneak by enemies, pickpockets, and locks, and allow their companions to do the dirty work while they pick enemies off from a distance. A popular choice for many players is to play as a sneaky archer. We suggest considering the type of character you wish to build and putting your time and effort into skills that complement each other. Do you want to be a mage, a thief, a warrior? At the start of a new game, you will begin with a low level and might have to face off against high-level characters. Instead, it’s better to think about how you want your character to play before you start to invest time and effort into these skills. Sneak past people, and you raise your sneaking skills, pick a lock, and you raise your lock picking skills, while this might seem pretty straightforward, the large number of skills and the individual leveling up in each skill can be a very long and arduous journey. In the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you raise skill points by doing things. But the real fun begins when the world lets you loose to explore. At the start of your game, Skyrim allows you to choose a race and decide how your character looks.

I’ll be updating this list periodically with which platforms support these mods (which you can check via the Bethesda website), so be sure to check back to see what new delights await you in Skyrim Special Edition! Make sure to take a look at our best Skyrim mods if you want to iron out any bugs, alter NPC behaviour, or overhaul the graphics.Let’s begin with one of the first questions most players will face – building a character. At last there's an excuse to neglect going outside for as long as humanly possible, just like when Skyrim first came out. All of the quests below are stand alone ones, meaning you don’t have to bother with joining a faction to trigger them. As an added bonus they promise hours of gameplay as these mods have a ton of content. Wondrous sagas await with enigmatic characters swaggering by your side, mind-boggling dwemer gadgets, and mysterious locations begging to be explored. Let me tell you the tale of the quality fan-made stories that are equal to Bethesda's colossus itself. Why bother playing Skyrim: Special Edition when you've already sunk what my mother assures me is an unhealthy amount of hours into the original game (needless to say, I disagree)? I'll tell you why: mods.